This function calculates various entropic information measures of two variates (each variate may consist of joint variates): the mutual information, the conditional entropies, and the entropies.
nsamples = 3600,
unit = "Sh",
parallel = TRUE,
silent = TRUE
- Y1names
String vector: first group of joint variates
- Y2names
String vector or NULL: second group of joint variates
- X
matrix or data.frame or NULL: values of some variates conditional on which we want the probabilities.
- learnt
Either a string with the name of a directory or full path for an 'learnt.rds' object, or such an object itself.
- nsamples
numeric: number of samples from which to approximately calculate the mutual information. Default 3600
- unit
Either one of 'Sh' for shannon (default), 'Hart' for hartley, 'nat' for natural unit, or a positive real indicating the base of the logarithms to be used.
- parallel,
logical or numeric: whether to use pre-existing parallel workers, or how many to create and use.
- silent
logical: give warnings or updates in the computation?
A list consisting of the elements MI
, CondEn12
, CondEn21
, En1
, En2
, MImax
, unit
, Y1names
, Y1names
. All elements except unit
, Y1names
, Y2names
are a vector of value
and error
. Element MI
is the mutual information between (joint) variates Y1names
and (joint) variates Y2names
. ElementCondEn12
is the conditional entropy of the first variate given the second, and vice versa for CondEn21
. Elements En1
and En1
are the (differential) entropies of the first and second variates. Element MImax
is the maximum possible value of the mutual information. Elements unit
, Y1names
, Y2names
are identical to the same inputs.