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Plot function that modifies and expands the graphics package's matplot function in several ways. First, either or both x and y arguments can be of class character. In this case, axes labels corresponding to the unique values are used (see arguments xdomain and ydomain). Second, it allows for the specification of only a lower or upper limit in the xlim and ylim arguments. Third, it uses a cleaner plotting style and a default argument type = 'l' (line plot) rather than type = 'p' (point plot).


  xdomain = NULL,
  ydomain = NULL,
  xlim = NULL,
  ylim = NULL,
  type = "l",
  pch = c(1, 0, 2, 5, 6, 3, 4),
  grid = TRUE,
  add = FALSE,
  lwd = 1,



Numeric or character: vector of x-coordinates. If missing, a numeric vector 1:... is created having as many values as the rows of y.


Numeric or character: vector of y coordinates. If missing, a numeric vector 1:... is created having as many values as the rows of x.


Character or numeric or NULL (default): vector of possible values of the variable represented in the x-axis, in case the x argument is a character vector. The ordering of the values is respected. If NULL, then unique(x) is used.


Character or numeric or NULL (default): like xdomain but for the y-coordinate.


NULL (default) or a vector of two values. In the latter case, if any of the two values is not finite (including NA or NULL), then the min or max x-coordinate of the plotted points is used.


NULL (default) or a vector of two values. Like argument xlim, but for the y-coordinates.


Logical: whether to plot a light grid. Default TRUE.


Other parameters to be passed to matplot.