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Utility function to plot pair of quantiles obtained with Pr or tailPr.


plotquantiles(x, y, xdomain = NULL, alpha.f = 0.25, col = 9, border = NA, ...)



Numeric or character: vector of x-coordinates. See flexiplot.


Numeric: a matrix having as many rows as x and an even number of columns, with one column per quantile. Typically these quantiles have been obtained with Pr or tailPr, as their $quantiles value. This value is a three-dimensional array, and one of its columns (corresponding to the possible values of the X argument of Pr) or one of its rows (corresponding to the possible values of the Y argument of Pr) should be selected before being used as y input.


Character or numeric or NULL (default): vector of possible values of the variable represented in the x-axis, if the x argument is a character vector. The ordering of the values is respected. If NULL, then unique(x) is used.


Numeric, default 0.25: opacity of the quantile bands, 0 being completely invisible and 1 completely opaque.


Fill colour of the quantile bands. Can be specified in any of the usual ways, see for instance col2rgb. Default 9.


Fill colour of the quantile bands. Can be specified in any of the usual ways, see for instance col2rgb. If NA (default), no border is drawn.


Other parameters to be passed to flexiplot.